X4 Bars Boost 3D ‘Volumetric Video’ on Tour with alt-J

Lighting Designer:
FragmentNine (Jeremy Lechterman & Jackson Gallagher)
Bree Kristel Clarke
GLP Go Great Guns at Glastonbury

GLP Go Great Guns at Glastonbury

Tom Campbell, tclightingdesign.co.uk
Glp JDC1 adds pulse to massive Nature One Electronic Festival

JDC1 adds pulse to massive Nature One Electronic Festival

Lighting Designer:
Thomas Gerdon
Ralph Larmann
Pioneering JDC1 for Arlo Guthrie’s ‘anti-production’ show

NIN Provides Industrial Scale Debut for GLP’s LED Hybrid Strobe

Lighting Designer:
Paul ‘Arlo’ Guthrie
Bree Kristel Clarke
1, 2 or three celebrates 40th anniversary with GLP

1, 2 or three celebrates 40th anniversary with GLP

Lighting Designer:
Manfred "Ollie" Olma
Paul Gärtner